Year 3

In addition to recorded content hosted online and the suggested online resources, there are a number of live sessions delivered within the clinical apprenticeships and specialty placements along with sessions to the whole class within Induction Weeks and University Days.


The dates and time of live sessions will be sent to you by the block administrators. All of the pre-session material for you to review has been listed on this website.

All the live sessions take place on Microsoft Teams, using this link:

Year 3 Induction week

Clinical Radiology in the Clinical Apprenticeships (Associate Professor James Stephenson)

Year 3 Surgery

Abdominal imaging - interactive case discussion (Dr Vikas Shah)

Year 3 Medicine

CXR revision session (Associate Professor James Stephenson)

Imaging the acutely unwell medical patient – interactive case discussion (Professor Arumugam Rajesh)

Year 3 Revision

Imaging Case Review Revision Session (Radiology Specialty Trainees)